Archive for February 24, 2009


Posted: February 24, 2009 in Calvin, Family, Motorcycle, photography, TV, Video

1iconflowerI’ve got another contributed article up over at Bodies in Motivation, if y’all are interested.


I talked to my sister for a good hour on Sunday. There are times where it seems like we’re not only attached at the brain, but we have the same bodies as well. We have the same skin, and the same hair. He had her gallbladder removed recently, as did I a few years ago. We, apparently, through a conversation that involved WAY too much information, have the same digestive systems. AND, get this. She has plantar fasciitis too, right this very second! So I sent her a pair of the heel cups that I’ve been wearing, and a photo copy of the care instructions my doctor gave me.

That’s not all, though. Last week she was house sitting for a little old lady in her neighborhood. Since my sister doesn’t have cable, she was indulging in some programming while staying at the lady’s house. So she says to me, “You know, I really like that Barefoot Contessa lady. I saw a show where she did these steaks in an iron skillet and now I REALLY want to try it.”

At which, of course, I boggled, since Calvin and I were planning on making those very steaks that very night. We “No WAY!”-ed for the next half an hour over that one.


Observant readers (hi, TB!) will have noticed by now several motorcycle pictures up in my Flickr account. Ever since I posted this entry and provided a link to the details of Calvin’s motorcycle, he’s been on me to post a “real” and “good” picture of his baby. Because the stock photos weren’t good enough (as you can see, ours has a bit of customization over the stock model), I give you the following. And, have I mentioned how much I love my camera? And my tripod? And my remote shutter release? It was almost dark outside when we took these – the better to see the frame lighting.

Exposure: 10 seconds. Aperture: f/8.0. Focal Length: 33 mm. ISO Speed: 400.

Exposure: 10 seconds. Aperture: f/8.0. Focal Length: 18 mm. ISO Speed: 400.

Exposure: 10 seconds. Aperture: f/8.0. Focal Length: 25 mm. ISO Speed: 400.

Exposure: 10 seconds. Aperture: f/8.0. Focal Length: 25 mm. ISO Speed: 400.

Calvin wishes for you all to imagine it without the backrest. I think it looks just fine with it on. I know I need it for my own comfort, for even short rides. The motorcycle has air suspension which isn’t as comfortable as normal shocks. Calvin will probably correct that with technical mumbo jumbo, but the upshot of it is, mama needs a sissy bar.


Finally, I must say the Oscars have renewed my obsession with Hugh Jackman. What a talented guy he is!

At practice:

The show:

Le sigh.