Archive for February 21, 2009

Oh, what the hell.

Posted: February 21, 2009 in Calvin, meme

1iconfascinatinggoon1Another meme contagion, spreading its way through the innernets.


What are your middle names?

Calvin’s is “Wayne” and mine is “Laura” in real life.

How long have you been together?

Going on eleven glorious years.

How long did you know each other before you started dating?

Around three years. Four, maybe?

Who asked whom out?

Uhhh, yeah. That one’s complicated.

How old are each of you?

I’m 34 and Calvin is 45.

Whose siblings do you see the most?

Calvin’s, since they live in this state. And of his two sisters, we see his sister Karen the most often.

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?

Nothing, really. Maybe just our individual idiosyncrasies. There’s stuff about him that annoys me, and stuff about me that annoys him.

Did you go to the same school?

No, we went to school 3000 miles and 10 years apart.

Are you from the same home town?

No, he’s a native Arizonan and I am from Maine.

Who is smarter?

When it comes to words, me. When it comes to handy-man stuff, him. Math, me. Mechanics, him. Relationships, me. Logic, him.

Who is the most sensitive?

You know, he’s going to protest, but I’m actually going to have to say Calvin on this one. I’m more pragmatic than him, in all actuality. I let things roll off of me quite well, where Calvin will analyze things to death. Hmm. I’m going to have to have him formulate his own answers to this meme.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?

Geez, everywhere. But you’ll see us most often at the Dark Horse.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

Hawaii (2864 miles), with Maine coming in second (2331 miles).

Who has the craziest exes?

We used to be tied on this one, but mine wins by virtue of his staying power.

Who has the worst temper?

Calvin. I don’t get pissed off easily at all, though that wasn’t always the case. I had a wretched temper when I was young, but I outgrew it. Calvin? He embraces his temper. Though, too, he’s mellowed out over the time that I’ve known him. It’s my excellent influence.

Who does the cooking?

I do more of it, but I think Calvin’s better at it. I’m a recipe-follower, while he’s an intuitive cook.

Who is the neat-freak?

Calvin, by far. His standards of cleanliness and neatness far exceed my own.

Who is more stubborn?

Calvin wins this one, too.

Who hogs the bed?

We’d both say the other, but in the end he ends up with all the sheet and I end up with all the blanket.

Who wakes up earlier?

Calvin on weekdays, me on weekends.

Where was your first date?

If I recall correctly, it was out to dinner and then to see a performance at the Improv.

Who is more jealous?

Calvin. I’m pretty much the opposite of jealous.

How long did it take to get serious?

Hmm. Another tough question. Not very long, in the grand scheme, once Calvin made up his mind.

Who eats more?

Me, dammit. I’m a three-meal-a-day-plus-snacks kind of person, he prefers to just eat once or twice.

Who does the laundry?

Me, dammit.

Who’s better with the computer?

Calvin. He works on computers for his job, after all. I can type faster, though. He’s a hunt-and-pecker. Heh.

Who drives when you are together?

Calvin, usually, though I’ve been known to fight him for the keys. The Trailblazer is so much fun to drive after all!