Archive for February 19, 2009

Pity Party

Posted: February 19, 2009 in bitching, Drama, Health/Fitness

1iconreallybadday(( rated R on ))

GoddamnsunuvabitchcocksuckingmotherfuckingWHORE. Hell hell HELL. GAAAAAAAHHHH.

(( rated R off ))

My foot hurts so much that I think I’m going a little bit crazy. When I stand on it, it feels like it’s being pierced by a nail (and I know what that feels like). When I don’t stand on it, the ache spreads across the whole foot and just THROBS.

The alarm went off this morning, and after making a quick phone call to Calvin to wake him up for his day, I laid in bed for a solid twenty minutes just bawling and feeling completely sorry for myself. I’m tired of hurting. I’m tired of not being able to frickin WALK without pain. I’m tired of not being able to work out the way I want to, and get fit, and lose weight. I’m tired of falling apart.

Calvin is blaming yoga, and I’m kind of inclined to agree for this circumstance. My foot ached on Tuesday before I did yoga, but silly me, I thought stretching would make it feel better. Instead, I think it was a ‘last straw’ scenario, and whatever went to hell in a handbasket chose that moment to do so.

The symptoms are dead on for plantar fasciitis, but in a SEVERE kind of way. My body, when it breaks, goes for it with an all or nothing attitude.

Advil and Tylenol (even the nice 800mg arthritis kind) aren’t even making a dent in this pain. I spent all last night icing, off and on, and it would soothe the hurt for a little bit, but five minutes after taking the ice pack off it would just hurt all over again. I have a doctor’s appointment tonight and I’m sure they’re just going to tell me to rest, ice, etc. etc. etc. Really, what I’m hoping for is some strong painkillers, cuz this over the counter stuff ain’t doing jack.

I’m so frustrated, and upset, and I’m just having a really really bad day. (Though not as bad as Calvin, who was up on a roof at 8:00 this morning in eight-degree weather. With wind. And snow. And ice.)

So. How are YOU?