Archive for January 13, 2009

Risin’ up, back on the street.

Posted: January 13, 2009 in Family, Journal, TV

I can appreciate this more now that I’m completely obsessed with the show (though it was hysterical even before I knew who the character was). Watched all but four episodes of season one over the weekend, which is one of the reasons why I wasn’t around here.

Well, that, and I had shockingly little of interest to say. When that happens, I prefer not to torture you, my gentle snowflakes.

(You’re welcome for getting that song stuck in your head, by the way.)


So, my sister is doing okay. She was in surgery for four hours last Thursday, which concerned me. During my own gallbladder removal extravaganza, it only took about an hour total. I guess her gallbladder was inflamed and had lesions and all sorts of nastiness. Plus they did a bit of poking around, “while they were in there,” to make sure nothing else was going south. They didn’t find anything else, though, so that’s good. But she had to stay an extra day in the hospital because her pain was so high she couldn’t move. She’s back home now, ensconced on the couch, getting waited upon by her husband and children.


I was lazy enough this weekend that I didn’t change my tagline or link pimp. And now it’s Tuesday so it seems a little silly to change it now. I guess you’re stuck for the nonce. Try not to get too upset.


Um. Yeah. Seems I’ve still got nuthin’. Must be something going ’round. Since one intrepid reader was concerned enough at my silence to send me an, “Are you okay?” e-mail, I just thought I’d let you all know I’m still alive. No drama. Nuthin’ doin’. Just, uh, yeah. Same ol’ same ol. I seem to be rather short on writing topics right now, so I’ll have to put some thought into it. Get away from the “what’s going on right now” theme and dig a little deeper into my brraaaaaaiiinnnnns. Something heavier. More philisophical. Perhaps seeped in BS.

You know, that sort of thing.