Archive for October, 2004

Saturday Fun

Posted: October 30, 2004 in photography, weekend

Proof of aforementioned Saturday Fun

This is the view from our bedroom, with the (screenless. grrrr….) french doors open to the back yard.

And this is a shot of the much-ballyhoo’ed CAT FLAP, positioned at the base of the stairs next to the closet door, leading into the closet and the cat’s litter box and food.

This is looking out through our front door with the newly-installed security screen.

This is my little setup at the pub table, with Calvin looking resignedly up at the work to be done on the skylights.

This is a shot from UNDER the glass pub table. I’m bored.

These are the ladders from which Calvin is currently doggedly painting. And I’m waiting on the edge of my seat to rush and break his fall if he topples.

The cat hiding under the plastic-covered pool table.

“I shall travel to the future and scowl at you… I have arrived.”

Posted: October 30, 2004 in Uncategorized

Saturday fun!

I’m sitting at the pub table with my laptop and a glass of wine, watching Calvin monkey around on a pair of ladders – one tall one on the floor, one shorter one up on top of the pool table. He’s painting the skylights while we’re listening to the “Night at the Roxberry” soundtrack.

We may also get started on painting our room, our bathroom, and the spare bedroom. Or, we may not. We may get started on cleaning out the garage. Or, we may not. We may do some yardwork. Or, we may not.

What we HAVE done so far is sit in the hot tub and drink several beers. Happy Saturday!

Posted: October 29, 2004 in Uncategorized

Crying Men

Check out this exhibit by Sam Taylor-Wood (below the article). I find the photographs to be just gripping. Her coffee table book comes out in November – Merry Christmas to me, I think.

Posted: October 29, 2004 in Uncategorized

Great show

The best line from the last episode of “Father of the Pride”:

Sigfreud: “Your lion is fat.”

Roy: “He is not!”

Sigfreud: “Your lion is fat, and that makes YOU fat.”

Roy: “You have made me angry. I will travel to the future and scowl at you… I have arrived.”

Posted: October 28, 2004 in Uncategorized

New One

There’s a new entry up – take a Tums or two beforehand, I get rather nauseatingly warm and fuzzy. There’s a new recipe, too.

Thanks for reading!

Posted: October 28, 2004 in Uncategorized

Rainy Day

It has been raining all day today. I can’t wait to go home and just BE there. I love days like today – my nesting instinct kicks into overdrive. I just want to cook and clean. I went home at lunch and straightened up the house, because my friend Dani is coming over for dinner after work. And, bless her, she requested grilled cheese sandwiches. Now, I ask you, what better dinner on a rainy evening than grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup? Rock.

She’s convinced that we make grilled cheese better than anyone else. It’s Calvin’s influence, really – when I was growing up it was one slice of american cheese between two slices of white bread, buttered on each side and toasted in a frying pan. But Calvin got me making them HIS way – a slice of american cheese AND a slice of pepper jack cheese, between two slices of white bread spread with margerine. THEN, the piece de resistance, sprinkle the buttered sides of the bread with garlic salt before toasting on the frying pan. It’s like a grilled cheese sandwich on garlic toast. It’s the best ever.

Yep. Can’t WAIT to go home.

Posted: October 26, 2004 in Uncategorized

I got a rock.

Hey Heather! “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!” is on and I’m thinking of you!

Posted: October 26, 2004 in Uncategorized

Total Asshat

I’m in a teleconference until 7:00. The chair of the teleconference is someone who can only be described as an asshat. Or perhaps a fucknut. No, an asshat. Definitely an asshat.

He’s repeated two things for the entire meeting. He’s changed up the wording a bit, but for all intents and purposes, he’s gone over the same two details multiple times over the course of this past hour.


But! My wireless works! So even though I have to listen to this asshat (fucknut?), I can at least do it in the comfort of my jammies on the comfort of my bed with Calvin on the bedroom computer making snarky comments about the asshat.

GOD. This meeting sucks.

Posted: October 25, 2004 in Uncategorized

Impress your friends!

The Straight Dope has so much useless trivia-type information that your friends will be amazed at your depth of knowledge at the next party you throw.

Thanks, Sarah, for the link. Now I’ll NEVER get any work done.

Posted: October 25, 2004 in Uncategorized

Totally Geeked

Guess where I’m posting from? My living room! Yep, I changed one small setting in one of my registries, and lo, I have wireless connectivity with my laptop.

I can surf the net on my patio. In my back yard. In the bathroom (heh). Hell, if I could figure out a way to keep my laptop dry, I could connect from the HOT TUB.

To quote Archibael, “I’m so glad I live in this century.”